Amazing Facts
Who Will Sing the Song? (PB) by Doug Batchelor
Who Will Sing the Song? (PB) by Doug Batchelor
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
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Who will sing the song?
"Who will sing the song?" The 144,000 Israelites of the 12 Tribes, the White Race of Europe who the demon seed Jews are pretending to be today. Jews have stolen the Identity of the White Race of Europe who are the real Israelites and Judahites of the bible. Jews like Doug Batchelor cannot "be saved" because they are not the Israelites of the bible. "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel" Saxon Christ said in Matthew 15:24. The "Lost Sheep" are the Europeans. No lying Communist Jew is an Israelite. Jews are Edomite Canaanites of Idumea who were defeated in 125 B.C. by Judah and forced to join the Judeans that year, fat too late to have written any of the bible. Jews were "never slaves" in Egypt with Moses for they were up in Edom then.