Amazing Facts
The Final Events of Bible Prophecy DVD (Sharing Edition) by Doug Batchelor
The Final Events of Bible Prophecy DVD (Sharing Edition) by Doug Batchelor
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
If you want to share The Final Events of Bible Prophecy DVD then this Sharing Edition is what you need. In a new, redesigned slim case this Sharing Edition has all the features of the full version, and you can mail it with no extra packaging.
Also available for mass mailing to a zip code of your choice (call for details). Only available in bulk orders of 10 or more. The Final Events of Bible Prophecy is a gripping 43-minute documentary on last-day events. Hosted by author and evangelist Pastor Doug Batchelor, this amazing DVD leads you step by step through seven end-time "events," including signs of the end, Christ's return, the millennium, and more.
Featuring stunning special effects and a rich music soundtrack, this one-of-a-kind presentation is packed with Bible references that give you a clear and straightforward look at what the Bible really has to say about the last days of
Earth's history. An awesome resource to share in study groups or with friends and family!
The multi-language documentary includes the following audio tracks: English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Russian, Mandarin and Chinese.
Subtitles are available in English, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.
En un nuevo paquete, Los Acontecimientos Finales de Profecía de Biblia son un agarrar documental de 43 minutos en acontecimientos de último-día. Acogido por autor y Pastor evangelista Doug Batchelor, este DVD asombroso le dirige da un paso por paso por siete "acontecimientos" de final-tiempo inclusive signos del fin, el regreso de Cristo, el milenio, y más.
Representando que aturde efectos de especial y una banda sonora rica de música, esta presentación fuera de serie es empacada con referencias de Biblia que dan usted un claro y sincero mira lo que la Biblia tiene realmente que decir acerca de los últimos días de la historia de la tierra. ¡Un recurso impresionante compartir en un grupos de estudio o con amigos y familia!
El documental del multi-idioma incluye los vestigios siguientes de audio: Inglés, español, alemán, portugués, francés, ruso, chino Mandarines y búlgaro. Los subtítulos están disponibles en inglés, sueco, danés y noruego.
El documental en varios idiomas incluye las siguientes pistas de audio: inglés, español, alemán, portugués, francés, ruso, chino mandarín y búlgaro.
Los subtítulos están disponibles en inglés, sueco, danés y noruego.
Customer Reviews
- Reviews
- Questions

Great sharing tool
I purchased this and many Cosmic Conflict for sharing. People readily accept them and agree to watch them.

Final Events
Glad to have them for distribution.

Not what I expected
Probably my own fault, but I didn't realize these dvds were of the "teaser" variety, not the whole event, so I was disappointed.
Hi Maida, Not sure which dvds you're referring to, but, we don't have Any teaser dvds! They are all full-length!

great in every way

Final Events DVD
Always learn something new from Pastor Doug. The biblical knowledge this man has, his manner of presentation is a joy to behold. He makes it enjoyable to understand The Word.

The Final Events
Sent this DVD by mail to a Jehova Witness in hopes they see it and learn the truth

Final events