Futuro de esperanza (Towards a Better Future: The Triump of Hope) by Safeliz
Futuro de esperanza (Towards a Better Future: The Triump of Hope) by Safeliz
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
This is in Spanish.
What future is awaiting our world? Will it come to its end like the child who struggles amid the gasps of its last breaths in a polluted atmosphere, or rather, with the formidable outburst of an atomic inferno produced by a hydrogen bomb? Or will, perhaps, human beings—who throughout history have never controlled their own basic selfishness—suddenly succeed in banishing evil, war, poverty, and even death?
This book gives meaningful answers with a strong foundation and comforting answers. Life has a meaning. We are not alone in the universe! There is Someone who takes care and is interested in us! Someone whose all-powerful hand has been over this planet, and who will guide it back to peace very soon.