AFacts Tracts (100/pack): ¿Qué Es la Marca de la Bestia?(What is the Mark of the Beast) by Amazing Facts
AFacts Tracts (100/pack): ¿Qué Es la Marca de la Bestia?(What is the Mark of the Beast) by Amazing Facts
AFacts Tracts (100/pack): ¿Qué Es la Marca de la Bestia?(What is the Mark of the Beast) by Amazing Facts
AFacts Tracts (100/pack): ¿Qué Es la Marca de la Bestia?(What is the Mark of the Beast) by Amazing Facts

Amazing Facts

AFacts Tracts (100/pack): ¿Qué Es la Marca de la Bestia?(What is the Mark of the Beast) by Amazing Facts

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AFacts Tracts (100/pack): ¿Qué Es la Marca de la Bestia?(What is the Mark of the Beast) by Amazing Facts


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6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States


Un Hecho Asombroso:

Imagine que se encuentra en medio de una
batalla, entre miles de soldados sin saber quién
es amigo o enemigo. Al inicio de la Guerra
Civil estadounidense, no había colores que
distinguieran los uniformes del ejército de la
Unión de los del ejército de los confederados.
Esto provocó caos y confusión en el campo de
batalla, los soldados disparaban a tropas de su
mismo bando. Posteriormente, se designó el
azul marino para los soldados unionistas y el
gris para los confederados.
¿Sabía que la Biblia habla de una batalla
cósmica en los últimos días de la historia de
la Tierra; y de una marca que identificará con
claridad a qué bando pertenece?
Este conflicto entre el bien y el mal comenzó
hace mucho tiempo cuando Lucifer, un ángel
poderoso, se rebeló contra Dios y su reino.
La Escritura dice que “hubo una gran batalla
en el cielo” (Apocalipsis 12:7) y que Lucifer
se convirtió en “la serpiente antigua, que se
llama diablo y Satanás” (v. 9).
Con el tiempo, Satanás “fue arrojado a la
tierra, y sus ángeles fueron arrojados con
él” y desde entonces ha involucrado a todo
ser humano en este conflicto mortal. Al
aproximarse el final de esta guerra cósmica,
la Biblia enseña que tenemos que tomar
una decisión: recibir o rechazar la marca de
la bestia.
Pero ¿qué es esta marca? ¿Quién es la bestia?
¿Y qué tiene que ver todo esto con usted?
¡A continuación presentamos cinco
datos importantes que debería saber
sobre la marca de la bestia!
La bestia simboliza un
poder político-religioso.
En Apocalipsis se profetiza acerca de la
bestia y su marca. Este libro de la Biblia
revela el futuro mediante visiones acerca
de símbolos misteriosos.
Por suerte, la Biblia misma descifra estos
símbolos. Según Daniel, un libro de la Biblia
conectado muy de cerca con Apocalipsis,
las “bestias” representan reinos, naciones y
potencias dominantes (7:17).
Esta bestia de Apocalipsis es una nación
que se distingue por su influencia política y
religiosa: tiene “poder y [un] trono, y grande
autoridad” (Apocalipsis 13:2) al mismo
tiempo que exige la adoración de “toda la
tierra” (v. 3).
A esta bestia también se la conoce con el
nombre de Anticristo.
La marca de la bestia
simboliza la autoridad
de la bestia.
Una segunda bestia, otra nación influyente de
la que también habla Apocalipsis, ejercerá la
autoridad de la primera bestia para “[hacer]
que a todos, pequeños y grandes, ricos y
pobres, libres y esclavos, se les pusiese una
marca en la mano derecha, o en la frente”
(13:16). Esta marca se impondrá sobre las
personas por medio de engaño, amenaza de
sanciones económicas y muerte (vv. 12-17).
Y aquí hay otro hecho importante: detrás de
todo esto está el dragón: Satanás (12:9; 13:4).
La marca de la bestia
se centra en la adoración.
Veamos cómo nos pide Dios que
obedezcamos sus leyes: “Pondréis estas mis
palabras en vuestro corazón y en vuestra
alma” (Deuteronomio 11:18). Para ilustrarlo
mejor, añade: “y las ataréis como señal en
vuestra mano, y serán por frontales entre
vuestros ojos”. En otras palabras, adoremos
a Dios con nuestras manos, es decir, con
nuestras acciones; y con nuestra mente,
o sea, con lo que pensamos.
¿Note los paralelos con Apocalipsis 13:16? ¡Así
es exactamente como se describe la marca de
la bestia! Esta marca no es una marca física
literal que se introduce en el cuerpo o se
graba en la piel; no es un tatuaje o un chip de
computadora. Es un símbolo que revela que la
persona ha aceptado el mandato de la bestia
de adorar a Satanás, ya sea por medio de sus
creencias (frente) o acciones (mano).
El sello de Dios también
se centra en la adoración.
¿Sabía que Dios también tiene una marca?
Se llama el sello de Dios. En la batalla

BRAND NEW Amazing Facts Tracts! 
(Topic: Mark of the Beast)

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Text on tract:

An Amazing Fact: Imagine being in a battle with thousands of soldiers and not knowing who was friend or foe. At the beginning of the American Civil War, there were no set uniform colors for either the Union or Confederate armies. This led to chaos and confusion on the battlefield—with soldiers often shooting at troops on their own side. Eventually, standard uniform colors were established: navy blue for Union soldiers and gray for Confederate soldiers.

Did you know that the Bible tells of a cosmic battle in the last days of Earth’s history—and of a mark that will clearly identify which side you are on?

This conflict between good and evil began long ago when Lucifer, a powerful angel, rebelled against God and His kingdom. Scripture says that “war broke out in heaven” (Revelation 12:7) and that Lucifer became “that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan.”

Satan was eventually “cast to the earth, and his angels … with him” (verse 9), and ever since, every human being has been pulled into this war. Now, as we near the end of this cosmic conflict, the Bible teaches that you have a choice to make: to either receive or reject the “mark of the beast.”

But what is this mark? Who is the beast? And what does all of it have to do with you?

Here are five facts that you need to know about the mark of the beast!

  1. The beast symbolizes a political-religious power.

The beast and his mark are foretold in Revelation, a book of the Bible that reveals the future through visions of mysterious symbols.

Thankfully, the Bible decodes these symbols for us. According to Daniel, a book of the Bible closely connected with Revelation, “beasts” represent kingdoms, nations, and ruling powers (7:17).

This beast in Revelation is a nation that is distinguished by both its political and its religious influence: It has “power, [a] throne, and great authority” (Revelation 13:2) while commanding worship from “all the world” (v. 3).

This beast is also known by another name: the Antichrist.

  1. The mark of the beast symbolizes the beast’s authority.

A second beast, another influential nation also spoken about in Revelation, will work with the first beast to “[cause] all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads” (13:16). This mark will be compelled on people through a combination of deception and the threat of economic sanctions and even death (vv. 12–17).

And here’s another important fact: Behind all this is the dragon—Satan (12:9; 13:4).

  1. The mark of the beast centers on worship.

Let’s now look at how God calls us to obey His laws: “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds” (Deuteronomy 11:18 NIV). To illustrate this, He said, “Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” In other words, worship God through your hands—that is, by what you do; and by your thoughts—that is, by what you think.

Do you see the parallels with Revelation 13:16? That is exactly how the mark of the beast is described! Thus, this mark is not a literal physical mark on or inside the body; it’s not some tattoo or computer chip. It is a symbol that reveals a person has accepted the beast’s command to worship Satan, whether that is through one’s beliefs (forehead) or through one’s actions (hand).

  1. The seal of God also centers on worship.

Did you know that God also has a mark? It is called the seal of God. In the final battle, God’s seal is given to all those who heed this message: “Fear God and give glory to Him, … worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water” (Revelation 14:7).

This language comes straight out of the only one of the Ten Commandments that addresses both worship and creation—the fourth commandment. (See Exodus 20:8–11.) This identifies God’s seal as His special day of worship, the seventh day: “I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me” (Ezekiel 20:12). (See also Exodus 31:17; Isaiah 56:1–8.)

Those who love God, acknowledging Him as Creator and the only One worthy of worship, will receive “the seal of God on their foreheads” (Revelation 9:4) and be protected from the deceptions of the beast. (See Matthew 4:8–10.)

If God’s mark is a day of worship, what do you think that makes the beast’s mark?

  1. Receiving the mark of the beast is a choice.

A critical message in Revelation 14, one especially given for this last battle, presents you with a choice:

If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation” (vv. 9, 10).

The message says, “If anyone ...” This means that receiving the mark is a choice. Will you choose to receive the beast’s mark by worshiping Satan? Or will you stand for God’s commandments—and worship the Creator?

One path leads to destruction; the other leads to salvation. The choice is yours!