P.O. Box 1058, Roseville, CA 95678 4/16/2019 |
What Happened? |
Amazing Facts has learned that the server for our online retail site afbookstore.com was accessed by an unauthorized user sometime around March 9, 2019 , through April 10, 2019. It is possible that this user was able to access customer information of about 1,000 customers. |
What Information Was Involved? |
Presently, we are investigating to determine the extent of the breach at afbookstore.com. However, currently, we believe customer names, addresses, emails, login credentials, and credit card information was harvested at the point of sale during the above date range and placed into an encrypted file. This file was likely retrieved by the unauthorized user at a later point in time. No social security or driver's license information was stolen, as afbookstore.com does not request nor store this information for purchases. This breach does not affect those who have made donations at AmazingFacts.org or by phone or mail. It only relates to purchases made online at afbookstore.com. |
What We Are Doing. |
We took the bookstore offline as we investigated the scope of what occurred and how it may have affected customers. We relaunched the bookstore now that the security issues have been addressed. We have also included extra security that should keep this from happening again. We will continue to monitor this incident closely, work with law enforcement, and update any affected customers as soon as possible with additional information and steps they can take to prevent fraudulent activity. |
What You Can Do. |
If you see any unauthorized activity on your credit card statement, please contact your card provider immediately. Out of an abundance of caution, you can contact your credit card company to add a fraud alert to your account or issue you a new credit card number. |
Other Important Information. |
None at this time. |
For More Information |
Amazing Facts will continue to provide updates to affected customers as soon as possible. Affected customers can also email databreach@amazingfacts.org. |